Wednesday, April 21, 2010

26th year of rainbow dreams 26周年おめでとう

today is my favorite band tm network's debut anniversary! it's been 26 years... i wasn't born then, but my mom fell in love with their music immediately. she sings a lot of songs for me everyday, and many of them are tm network's songs. i love what my mom loves! happy anniversary tm network! to show my respect for them, i'm sitting very politely!

chubu sang: 6 times
chubu danced: 6 times
chubu got: 3 bells!

今日はぼくの大好きなバンド、TM NETWORKがデビューした日なんだに。26年前だがね!ぼくはまだ生まれとらんかったけど、アヤコは初めてTMの音楽を聴いてすぐに大好きになったんだに。アヤコは毎日たくさんの歌をぼくに歌ってくれるけど、やっぱしTMの替え歌が多いんだにー。アヤコガ好きなものはぼくも大好きだがね!26周年おめでとう!ぼくのリスペクトを表すために、ぼくはちゃーんとお行儀よく座っとるよ。復活待っとるでねー!


Wednesday, April 14, 2010

spring time nap time 春眠暁を覚えず

ah, it's been a while since i last updated my blog! sorry!! i was so busy eating treats and playing with my toys. it's spring time, yaay! we had a long long winter, so i'm very excited to finally welcome the spring.

what comes to your mind when you know it's spring time? my answer is napping! it's getting harder and harder to wake up in the morning... no no, it's so easy for me to wake my dad and mom up early, but i have to go back to sleep after they are fully awake. i love taking morning naps and afternoon naps in the sunlight. my favorite spot right now is this orange chair. the curve of this chair perfectly fits my curve as if it were designed for me! plus, my brindle body pops so nicely on this orange chair background. i'm so artistic that i care the way i look even when i'm napping!

chubu walked: 6 times
chubu peed: 6 times
chubu pooped: 2 times


