Sunday, August 10, 2008

iphone! アイフォン!

a wonderful new gadget came to my life today - iphone! yaaaay! it's a very cool thing for a french bulldog to have a cell phone, and the iphone is the coolest in my world. it works with my little paws. so cool. maybe i can update this blog from my iphone sometime.

my dad helped me downloading some application. my favorite is the recorder. my dad and mom recorded some phrases for me like "chuuuuuuu chu chu chu chu." this phrase came from my favorite toy that recently broke down. i will try not to break the iphone!

chubu walked: 5 times
chubu peed: 7 times
chubu popped: 3 times


アーロンがいくつかアプリをダウンロードしてくれたに。一番のお気に入りはレコーダーだがね。アーロンとアヤコが なんかぼくのために録音しとったね。「ちゅうううーーーーちゅちゅちゅちゅちゅ」っていうのが一番いい出来だったねー。これはぼくが一番すきだったおもちゃが出す音だったんだけど、この間強く噛み付きすぎてこわしてまったんだに。でもアイフォンがあればもう大丈夫だなも。アイフォンは壊さんように気をつけんとね!


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