Wednesday, July 30, 2008

passenger 旅人気分

my mom and dad came back from their vacation. i couldn't go with them because their vacation was a cruise. but i had fun at my camp while they are away. now they are back, and their suitcases are still on the floor. so i decided to pretend to be a passenger.

i love sleeping on the suitcases. these padded pockets feels so nice. they are perfect height and size for me to lay down. and the black suitcase that i am on wasn't full today (my mom started unpack it yesterday), so i was able to be in the suitcase. i love being in the suitcases. they are warm and comfy and to make it better, it smells like salmon from alaska! also i can play "drop the toy and make noise and bring it back up and drop it again" game on it. i want to be inside of the suitcase all day and dream of salmons!

chubu walked: 7 times
chubu peed: 7 times
chubu pooped 3 times. very good ones.




Friday, July 25, 2008

new kitchen 新しいキッチンができた

our new kitchen is finally done. yaaay! it was so long to live without a kitchen. my mom and dad wasn't able to cook for a month except my potatoes. new kitchen is very white, and the sink is big enough for me to take a bath. so i took the first bath there.

the white sink is very cool. and it makes a beautiful contrast with my brindle body. don't i look like a model french bulldog in an interior magazine?

the new shower is nice, and i got very clean. i smell so nice now. now that we have a new kitchen, i expect to have some hand made treats. i know my mom makes bagels. i think she should make mini mini bagels for me.

chubu walked: 7 times
chubu peed: 7 times
chubu pooped: once. it's a miracle.





Tuesday, July 22, 2008

top-of-the-world feeling 王様気分

today, i want to show you my new spot to lay on. it is on top of my dad's tool box. tool box! it is such an adult man thing. i love laying on it because it makes me feel stronger and more handy. my grandfather in japan is a mechanic engineer, so i inherited the talent.

the tool box is about the same size as me, i have to be careful so i don't fall. the tool box is a perfect place to chew bones. i love dropping my toy on the floor and make noise. then i go down to the floor and pick it up again, and go back on the tool box. oh, so busy. i am a busy man!

chubu walked: 8 times
chubu peed: 8 times
chubu pooped: 2 times




Friday, July 18, 2008

nice afternoon 平和な昼下がり

i am enjoying a nice afternoon in an air-conditioned room. i love laying in the sun light in a cool room. our hallway near the kitchen is a good spot to lay down because i can feel the cool kitchen floor on my soft cheek. also this spot is good because i can catch any action around the refrigerator. i can hear the sound of the refrigerator opening from a mile away. and i know there are a lot of good things there... what a wonderful machine!

chubu walked: 8 times
chubu peed: 8 times
chubu pooped: 2 times



Monday, July 14, 2008

coffee time コーヒータイム

in a hot summer afternoon, iced coffee hits the spot for me. i like it a bit sweetened and with a lot of milk. while i was waiting for my mom to come out of the subway with dad, i had a little coffee time with my friends sageteen and besteen. they had iced coffee, so i had a sip.

yummmmmmm!! hmmmm, caffeine! i was really sleepy, so i hope this iced coffee helps.

chubu walked: 7 times
chubu peed: 7 times
chubu pooped: 4 times, so loose. maybe because of coffee?




Saturday, July 12, 2008

i heart my dad とーちゃんラブ

my dad playes with me a lot. he sometimes torture me, but he is usually very nice to me. i love when he sings songs for me. he always sings about me. i am amazed how many songs are about me, i didn't even know!

so i decided to show my love to him. when he was laying on the grass, i went on his belly and started licking his face. my tongue felt tickled because of his facial hair. by th way, i love licking his feet, but my mom gets angry when she seems me licking his toes. i just can't stop licking them. i don't know why.

chubu walked: 10 times
chubu peed: 10 times
chubu pooped: 4 times




Monday, July 7, 2008

july 4th weekend 2 独立記念日の連休2

july 4th weekend was action-packed. i had a close encounter of the donkey kind. donkeys are so cute. their eyelashes are so long and their nose is so soft... but their face is much longer than me. i wonder if they can smell better than me. they came over and said hello to me. i didn't quite know what they were eating there. grass? i don't think grass tastes that good, and i can't feel full if i only eat grass. maybe i will offer my beef can to them next time.

next to the donkey farm, there was a sheep farm. sheep didn't seem to be as friendly as the donkeys. they were far away from me and they didn't come over. and they kept calling my name is a strange tone of voice. when i was looking at them, i was wondering what it is like to lay on them. it must be so soft and warm. i also wonder if i ever had lamb.... i have to go home and check my food.

chubu walked freely: 5 times
chubu peed: 7 times
chubu pooped: 3 times




Sunday, July 6, 2008

july 4th weekend 1 独立記念日の連休1

i had my first july 4th weekend in my life. my parents' friends oliteen and meliteen invited us to their house in the country. it was so nice to be in nature. so i want to tell you about my weekend experience.

all i know about july 4th is that we can have BBQ all day long. ah, BBQ. what a wonderful thing. my mom was grilling, so i decided to examine some BBQ equipment.

the grill was a bit tall for me to watch all the grilling action, so i got ready with some napkins and waited on the deck of the house. the sun was shining on me and i understood what it feels like to become a hot dog and being grilled happily. if my parents buy a grill someday, i want to be in charge of grilling. i want to grill all my treats... so ncie!

chubu sun bathed: 5 hours
chubu peed: 8 times
chubu pooped: 5 times





Thursday, July 3, 2008

wiiiiiiiiiii!!!! うぃーーーーーー!!!

my dad bought me a wonderful present. i've been wanting this so much... and it finally came. welcome, nintendo wii fit to my world! wii fit is the best game machine ever. now i can record my weight and BMI everyday, and i can exercise every day. i just love sitting on the wii fit board.

i tried to make my "mii" but there was no dog character i could make, so i used my mom's mii. my height should be about the same as my length from my neck to my butt according to AKC standard. i think i look pretty much like a tube now. i want to be more round and tube-y. i think the wii fit will help me to reach my goal.

chubu walked: 8 times
chubu peed: 8 times
chubu pooped: 2 times

アーロンがぼくにプレゼントをくれた。ずっとでらほしかったもの、、、今日ついに家に到着したんだに。任天堂Wii Fit、ようこそ我が家へ! Wii Fitってすごいだらー。こんなに楽しいゲームは初めてだなも。これから毎日運動して、体重とBMIも記録できるがねー。うれしいがねー。Wii Fitボードに座っとるだけでうれしくなってくるなも。

Wiiでぼくも自分のキャラを作ろうと思ったけど、Wiiに犬はおらんのだね。だからアヤコのキャラを貸してもらってやったんだに。ぼくの背は、ぼくの首からおしりまでの長さと同じくらいなのが理想的らしいけど、今のぼくはどっちかっていうとチューブみたいだに。もっと丸く、もっとチューブみたいになりたいもんだなも。Wii Fitでがんばるぞー。
