Wednesday, July 30, 2008

passenger 旅人気分

my mom and dad came back from their vacation. i couldn't go with them because their vacation was a cruise. but i had fun at my camp while they are away. now they are back, and their suitcases are still on the floor. so i decided to pretend to be a passenger.

i love sleeping on the suitcases. these padded pockets feels so nice. they are perfect height and size for me to lay down. and the black suitcase that i am on wasn't full today (my mom started unpack it yesterday), so i was able to be in the suitcase. i love being in the suitcases. they are warm and comfy and to make it better, it smells like salmon from alaska! also i can play "drop the toy and make noise and bring it back up and drop it again" game on it. i want to be inside of the suitcase all day and dream of salmons!

chubu walked: 7 times
chubu peed: 7 times
chubu pooped 3 times. very good ones.




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