Tuesday, September 30, 2008

girlfriend! ガールフレンド!

look at this cute girl! this is one of my girlfriend zoeteen. she is 11 month old and she is a bit heavier than me. because this was our first date, we took a formal portrait.

i brought my toys to her with my toys, but she wasn't so interested in them. she liked being in my cage though (it was a perfect size for her.) then we decided to show off our tricks. she did her famous kick for me. wow, that was so fast and strong.

our first date went well. i like her so much. so i tried something.... but i can't tell you what i did. it's a big secret!

chubu walked: 5 times
chubu peed: 5 times
chubu pooped: 3 times





Tuesday, September 23, 2008

listening to the spirits of mountains 山の言葉

my friend oliteen and meliteen invited me to their house in the mountains, so i went with my parents. it was a beautiful early fall weekend. i love being in nature. i especially love going to bathroom without my parents watching. at their mountain house, i can go outside to go pee and poop alone. it feels very nice and adult.

i felt like i could hear the trees talking to me there. i tried to listen to what they were saying. i managed to translate the tree language to frog face language, and here is what they said to me. "collect all my leaves and little sticks and make yakiimos(baked sweet potatoes)... it is the best thing in fall. chubu, you will love yakiimo so much. you can be a yakiimo ambassador..."

chubu walked: 5 times
chubu peed: 5 times
chubu pooped: 3 times


山の家では木がぼくに話しかけてくるような木がしたに。何言っとるのかなーと思って耳を澄まして聞いてみた。木語からなんとかかえる顔語 に通訳してみたんだに。ぼくの通訳はこんな感じだに。「落ち葉と小枝を集めて焼きいもを作ってみやー。秋のごちそうだにー。きっと気に入るはずだにー。そしたら焼きいも大使になるといいがねー」ってこんな感じだったなも。


Monday, September 15, 2008

grooming 102 身だしなみ その2

sunday is a bath day for me. after my mom cleans the kitchen, it's bath time! it was a really sunny nice day, so it was a perfect day to take a bath.

ahhh, it feels so nice and clean to take a bath. my shampoo smells good, and water is a perfect temperature. i started using a spray after shampoo to keep my coat soft and smooth.

drying after bath is a fun part. i love being wrapped with a towel. i feel like i became a worm that makes silk. once my body is half dry, it is time to go crazy and run around the apartment to air dry my body. this time, i went really crazy that i could jump on the bed! i'm so clean and soft now. if you ever want to rub me, now is the time.

chubu walked: 5 times
chubu peed: 5 times
chubu pooped: 3 times





Thursday, September 11, 2008

birthday special day! 誕生日だに!

it's my birthday today. i turned 1 year old, yaaaay! can you believe that i'm already a year old? for my birthday, my dad cooked a steak for me. i had a steak breakfast! that was so good... just thinking of the steak makes me slobber. and my mom and dad sang a happy birthday song for me. i got too excited by the steak and the song, so i didn't score very high at my morning walk.

it is also a very special day for ny and for the world. 7 years ago today, a lot of innocent people lost their lives here in ny. 9/11 became a big hinge in the modern history. i'm a french bulldog and i don't know why that happened, but the blue memorial lights make me think how i should live my bulldog life. and i promise to those who lost their lives that day that i will always appriciate my everyday life and i will try to contribute to make this world more peaceful. as a proud french bulldog, i want to put more smiles on more people's faces. (i believe the world will be a more peaceful place if everyone has a french bulldog!)

chubu walked: 4 times
chubu peed: 4 times
chubu pooped: 3 times




Tuesday, September 9, 2008

morning nap 朝寝

i take about 10 naps a day, and i take 5 or 6 serious naps a day. my favorite among all the naps i take is a morning nap. here is how my typical morning goes.
7:12 waking up, walk around on the bed and wake mom up.
7:15 lay down in the living room. sometimes i go out for pee, but sometimes i don't.
7:32 getting very hungry, so i stare at my mom's face.
7:52 my mom starts making my breakfast
7:55 breakfast!
7:57 i finish my breakfast and i check the kitchen floor for something extra or dessert.
8:03 i jump on the couch and check my blog.
8:07 i fall asleep.

ah, i love the morning nap so much. i'm full, i'm warm, my mom is having coffee on the couch, so i lay down right next to her and fall asleep. morning light is very beautiful and i'm very happy.

chubu walked: 4 times! i'm a big boy now.
chubu peed: 4 times
chubu pooped: 2 times

7:12 起床。ベッドの上でもぞもぞ動きまわってアヤコを起こす。
7:15 リビングでだらだらする。オシッコに外に行くときもあるし、行かんときもある。
7:32 おなかが空いてくる時間だがねー。だからアヤコの顔を穴があくほどじっと見つめて訴えてみる。
7:52 アヤコがぼくの朝ごはんを作り始める。
7:55 朝ごはーん!
7:57 朝ごはんを食べ終わり、さらに食べ物を探してキッチンをうろうろしてみる。
8:03 ソファの上に飛びのってブログをチェック。
8:07 朝寝。



Tuesday, September 2, 2008

beach baby ビーチベイビー

for the laybor day weekend, i went to the beach for the first time in my life. yes, i saw the atlantic ocean. what is ocean? it is so big, it keeps moving, and it is a lot of salty water (i know it is salty water because i tried to taste it). i ran on the beach with my dad and i felt like i became rocky balboa. i heard the rocky's theme in my head. the water was kind of warm and it was so much fun to chase the waves. i'll show you my before/after photos to show how much i loved the ocean.

this is before. not so wet.

this is after. totally wet and sandy.

chubu walked: a lot
chubu peed: in the ocean. i'm sorry.
chubu pooped: 3 times

