Tuesday, September 9, 2008

morning nap 朝寝

i take about 10 naps a day, and i take 5 or 6 serious naps a day. my favorite among all the naps i take is a morning nap. here is how my typical morning goes.
7:12 waking up, walk around on the bed and wake mom up.
7:15 lay down in the living room. sometimes i go out for pee, but sometimes i don't.
7:32 getting very hungry, so i stare at my mom's face.
7:52 my mom starts making my breakfast
7:55 breakfast!
7:57 i finish my breakfast and i check the kitchen floor for something extra or dessert.
8:03 i jump on the couch and check my blog.
8:07 i fall asleep.

ah, i love the morning nap so much. i'm full, i'm warm, my mom is having coffee on the couch, so i lay down right next to her and fall asleep. morning light is very beautiful and i'm very happy.

chubu walked: 4 times! i'm a big boy now.
chubu peed: 4 times
chubu pooped: 2 times

7:12 起床。ベッドの上でもぞもぞ動きまわってアヤコを起こす。
7:15 リビングでだらだらする。オシッコに外に行くときもあるし、行かんときもある。
7:32 おなかが空いてくる時間だがねー。だからアヤコの顔を穴があくほどじっと見つめて訴えてみる。
7:52 アヤコがぼくの朝ごはんを作り始める。
7:55 朝ごはーん!
7:57 朝ごはんを食べ終わり、さらに食べ物を探してキッチンをうろうろしてみる。
8:03 ソファの上に飛びのってブログをチェック。
8:07 朝寝。



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