Sunday, June 8, 2008

beach house experience 別荘体験

my parents' friend invited us to go to her mom's beach house in long island. we drove there saturday morning. it became one of the hottest days of the year. so it was ncie to leave the hot hot nyc. the beach house was so nice, and i had an adventurous weekend.

the beach house has a swimming pool, so when i was outside, i had to wear a life jacket in case i jump in the pool. i actually liked wearing the life jacket. i think orange looks very good on me. another good thing about this jacket is that there is a handle on the back, so whenever i was in trouble, my dad could pick me up with the handle and carry me like a frog-face bag. the temperature went up and up, so i decided to enjoy swimming.

i was a bit scared of being in a water first, but i am a brave boy. i ended up jumping in the pool chasing a football. look how cool i look on the floating bed. it was so nice being in the water on such hot day. if i had an ice cream type treat, that would have been even better. i should put that in my wish list for the next weekend getaway.

chubu walked: all day in a yard and in the water
chubu peed: a lot
chubu pooped: 3 times


別荘にはプールがあって、ぼくが万が一飛び込んだりしたときのために、ぼくは外におるときはずっと救命胴衣をつけとったんだに。 オレンジ色はぼくにでらよく似合うと思うなも。しかも着心地もけっこう良かったに。それに、この救命胴衣の背中の部分には取っ手がついとって、ぼくがいたずらしとったりすると、派手な色だからすぐに見つかって、取っ手をつかんで持ち上げられてまうっちゅー特典までもれなく着いてきたぎゃー。気温はどんどん上がって、ぼくもちょっと泳いでみるかーと思って準備体操したんだに。



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