Monday, June 23, 2008

let's go hiking ハイキングに行こう

i am going to write about my hiking experience in conneticut. from the side of the french bulldog bridge, we went down to the river. it was pretty steep mountain road, but there is nothing to afraid. i am a brave boy! i went down all the way with my dad and found some very cool rocks. the rocks have so many deep holes. i wonder if there are any creatures who live down in the holes. my goldfish siblings might enjoy living there.

when i was photoshooting with my dad, my mom finally caught up with us. but she didn't come all the way to the rocks. i think she was a bit scared. i watched her so she doesn't fall or anything. yes, i am a very good boy and i am a good hiker. i am also good at finding food anywhere. so i will be your good hiking partner.

chubu hiked: 0.5 mile
chubu peed: 7 times
chubu pooped: 4 times




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