Wednesday, April 2, 2008

trouble maker 問題児

it was a crazy day today. first of all, i pooped on the bathroom floor in the morning. i tried to tell my dad that i wanted to go to bathroom. i barked! but i couldn't wait... so i went to the human bathroom and pooped. my mom walked in the bathroom with sleepy head, and she stepped on it. i was so glad that she was wearing her slippers! then she had to throw them away. i'm sorry dad and mom. i with i could use the human toilet.

then, at 11am, dad walked me again and i pooped. he found some red thread from my butt. i pulled the red thread out of my doggie bed and ate it, and it came out with my poop. here is the photo of my butt with the red thread.

my dad called the vet, and she told him to feed me 2 pieces of bread. i have to say, that was the best thing i ever had. those 2 pieces of bread produced so much poop! after the 45 minutes walk (thank you dad), i pooped again. and the whole red thread came out. well, (look at the second photo) i didn't even know what really happened. my dad told me this story. i was very bad today. i really want to thank my dad to take good care of me. i didn't mean it! i will be a good boy again, i promise!

i'm so tired today... i didn't get so much nap time. i will sleep so well tonight. tomorrow is a new day, i'll be a good boy!

chubu walked: 9 times (new record high. thank you dad)
chubu peed: 8 times
chubu pooped: 4 times (the craziest poop day ever)
chubu's trouble meter: red (the highest)







daiskywalker said...

wow!! chubu!!
you must hungry to eat

but you definitely eat delicious good food more than a red thread♪

Dont eat no taste food~~hahaha

chubu said...

だいちゃーん 元気?